$499.00 CAD

Alignment Method Master - 3 weeks 1:1 - with Samantha

Alignment Method Master - 3 weeks 1:1 - with Samantha

Now that you have received Samantha's Alignment Method, you are now ready more than ever to BE the version of you who can easily transmute energy and bounce back. 

You are ready to KNOW what it feels like to BE a Vibrational Match. 

And... you are ready to experience your manifestations being delivered to you in an instant.

You now FULLY know the power of your vibration.  It is everything! You are ready. 

You are more than ready to Live a Life by YOUR Design.  

Alignment Method Master - 3 weeks 1:1 - with Samantha
Over the following weeks, you will receive 1:1 guidance with nervous system regulation guide Samantha Lauren Pike (equipped with a behavioral psychology degree). 
Together, you will dismantle any limiting beliefs that are preventing you from designing a life you are madly in love with. 
You will press fast forward on your timeline as you move towards what you ultimately desire, without hesitation. 
You will follow through on Aligned Action, knowing that fear will not stop you. 
3 weeks - Alignment Method Master:  $600  $499 *save $101
3 weekly 1:1 Sessions with Samantha. 
All in on YOU, and your life by design.
During your time together, you will become a master at transmuting your energy. Need to bounce back? You'll know just what to do. 
Want to receive / manifest something? No problem.
You'll know how to step into the frequency of it.
By the end of these few weeks, you'll become a master at managing your frequency/vibration. 
It's time to HAVE IT ALL.
Upon payment / official registration

Samantha will reach out to YOU! To A. Celebrate and B. Get your sessions scheduled. Woo!