$27.00 CAD

AtM over Lattes

Welcome to AtM over Lattes bb!!

AtM = The ALIGNMENT Method

with Uplift Lifestyle Facilitator, Samantha Pike

Start your week in ALIGNMENT.

Monday morning at 10am est.

60min LIVE class via ZOOM

Let's regulate your nervous system around what it is you DESIRE so you can *actually* HAVE IT.

AtM offers a self-administered nervous system regulation technique using breath control, chakra healing, and cognitive restructuring - bringing the BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT into FULL alignment.

The Alignment Method is self administered...Meaning after you’ve learned how to use it, you’ll always have it in your back pocket. 

Join us THIS coming Monday morning at 10am EST. 

This class will NOT be recorded (I like to keep each class fresh!) so make sure you can attend - show up for yourself love. 

All this, for $27

Don’t forget your latte! Matcha, Iced, Lavender, Caramel, mmmmm - whatever you fancy, just make it gorgeous. Let’s settle in and let’s raise our vibe! 

See you LIVE on Monday!


Samantha, Uplift Lifestyle Facilitator

What People Are Saying:

“Wow! This is so simple and easy to use.” “This makes sense!” “I’ve known how important it is to manage my vibe, I’ve just never known how to. THIS IS THE HOW TO!” “More people need to know about this.” “This is a game changer.” “Sam has cracked the code.”

Those who have taken this exact class have said: